Production team

Email any member of the team using the prefix below Please be aware that we may not be able to respond immediately to emails or phone messages, because we all have other demands on our time – we are all volunteers, not paid employees!

Libby Pollard: SUBSCRIPTIONS – phone 836 662 or email subs@

Contact Libby with any questions about your subscription, whether you want to start subscribing, stop subscribing, or pay to renew your subscription. You can subscribe online

John Godwood: ADVERTISING – email ads@

Contact John to ask about advertising in the magazine – check out our information and prices first. He’s the person to contact if you want to advertise, or if you’re an existing advertiser and want to renew.

Keena McKillen: EDITOR – email editor@ or copy@ if sending copy

Send your copy for the magazine to Keena, and she’ll let you know she’s got it and get back to you with any queries. (Please send your pictures separately to pictures@)

Andy Alderwick: DEPUTY EDITOR – email deputy@

Andy also does the magazine layout.

Beck Laxton: PICTURES – email pictures@ 

Yasmin Emerson: DIARY – email diary@

Mike Tapson: ACCOUNTS – phone 500700 or email accounts@

Mike deals with payments in and out and presents the accounts at our annual public meeting.

If you have a query about payment for your subscription, though, please contact the Subscriptions Manager.

Les Hylton: DELIVERIES – phone 527537 or email deliveries@

Les collects the copies of Sawston Scene from our printer in Linton every two months, ties the magazines into bundles and delivers them to our volunteers, who then deliver them to subscribers.

If you’re interested in joining the team of deliverers, to help deliver every issue or as a substitute when a deliverer is away, please get in touch.


Words by Beck Laxton; photos by Ann Redshaw